Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Trip and a Fall Down Memory Lane, Intro.

I've been told by many over the years that I should write a book about my life experiences. Well, I don't have a lot of confidence in actually trying to get a publisher to put it out on the market. Besides, they'd really have a tough time trying to determine if what I write is fiction or not!

My life truly has been anything but normal. But, then, what is normal? By whose standards should I weigh my life experiences? If I weren't "me", however, I'd have to agree with many, that some of what I've been through has truly been outrageous, and quite unbelievable, even to me! I've had someone ask me "Just how many lives have you lived?", and my own sister asked me, "Sharon, what HAVEN'T you done?". I have been the subject of cruel and outright ridicule from my family, most of all, but they haven't lived my life. As a matter of fact, I lived far away from my family for 30 years because of their ridicule and hurtful comments. And, when you live outside of your family shelter, you expose yourself to a plethora of outside influences and get the opportunity to be exposed to many different lifestyles and situations. Such has been my life.
And, for better or for worse, it all has happened, just as I will share here from time to time. It might make for interesting and entertaining reading if you get bored enough to peruse my blogs, but it's going to be a project for me. It'll help me to put into black and white all the things I'm afraid will be wiped from my memory over the next few years.

Will it be of any help or consequence to those who happen upon my writings? That is only for the Creator God to know and decide. I'm sure He will direct those to my blogs who either need a laugh, or uplifting. And those who might be seeking answers to questions they've been afraid to ask, for fear of being ridiculed by family and friends. Perhaps, what I tell here will help someone to make a life-changing decision, or it will help someone to just have a good cry and wash all the crap out of their systems. Who knows? Only God knows. But, I will do my best to make each entry as clear and educational and entertaining as I possibly can.

I welcome comments, but please be kind, no matter how outlandish you may feel my life stories are. As my mother always used to say to me, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Well, I honestly don't expect all comments to be filled with roses and sunshine, but please don't be hurtful. Do feel free to share your own experiences, as they relate to each subject. I'd love to read about them!

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